Bueno aqui les coloco unas de las macros de druida de las 3 ramas de talentos
Macros Druida
Recrecimiento y Fusion De Las Sombras ( Elfos de la noche )
#showtooltip Regrowth(Rank 6)
/cast [target=mouseover,exists,help] Regrowth(Rank 6); [harm,exists] Wrath; [help,exists]Regrowth(Rank 6); [nocombat] Shadowmeld(Racial)
Recrecimiento y Fuego Lunar
#showtooltip Regrowth(Rank 10)
/cast [target=mouseover,exists,help] Regrowth(Rank 10); [help,exists] Regrowth(Rank 10)
/castsequence [harm,exists] reset=9/target Moonfire(Rank 12), Moonfire(Rank 10), Moonfire(Rank 11), Moonfire(Rank 9), Moonfire(Rank 9)
Rejuvenecimiento, Espinas, Ciclon y Forma de vuelo
( Por si quieren escapar )
#showtooltip Rejuvenation(Rank 13)
/cast [target=mouseover,help,exists] Rejuvenation(Rank 13);[help,exists] Rejuvenation(Rank 13) ;[target=mouseover,harm,exists] Cyclone; [harm,exists,combat]Entangling Roots(Rank 6); Flight Form(Shapeshift)
Forma De Oso
#showtooltip Dire Bear Form
/cancelaura [stance:2] Aquatic Form; [stance:3] Cat Form; [stance:4] Travel Form; [stance:5]Tree of Life;[stance:6]Flight Form; [mounted] Swift Mistsaber
/cast [nostance,nomounted,noflying] Dire Bear Form
Toque de sanación y Lluvia de estrellas
Tienen que pulsar Ctrl + 1 para sanasen ustedes mismos
#showtooltip Healing Touch(Rank 5)
#show Healing Touch(Rank 5)
/cast [target=mouseover,help]Healing Touch(Rank 5);[help]Healing Touch(Rank
/castsequence reset=target/10 Mark of the Wild, Thorns, Omen of Clarity
# Rebirth(Rank 6)
/cast Rebirth(Rank 6)
/raid <<Rezing: %t >>
/yell <<Rezing: %t >>
Piel de corteza y Tranquilidad
/cancelaura [stance:5] Tree of Life
/castsequence reset=target/combat/10 Barkskin, Tranquility
Presteza de la naturaleza y Toque de sanación
/cancelaura [stance:5] Tree of Life
/cast Nature’s Swiftness
/cast Healing Touch
#Showtooltip Bash(Rank 3)
#Show Bash(Rank 3)
/cast [target=mouseover,harm,exists] Lacerate(Rank 1) ; [harm,exists] Bash;
#Show Mangle (Bear)(Rank 3)
/castsequence reset=6/combat Mangle (Bear)(Rank 3), Maul, Maul
Furia del tigre y Devastar
/cast [stealth]Tiger’s Fury(Rank 4); Mangle (Cat)(Rank 3)
Mordedura Feroz
#show Ferocious Bite(Rank 6)
/cast [stealth] Pounce; Ferocious Bite
Como pueden ver una macro no es de darle un solo click tienen que darle varias veces para que use todas las spells que has copiado.
Espero Les Sirvan
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